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English Essay



žIntroduction- India is a great country . It is a country of great man and woman. Mahatma Gandhi’s name is on the lips of everybody. He was the greatest man not only of India but of the world also. He was the father of the nation. We generally call him
žFamily- He was born on 2nd October 1869 at Porbander in Gujrat. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. His father’s name was Karamchand . He was the Diwan of the Rajkot state. His mother was a religious lady. He had a great respect and love for his parents. 
žEducation- He got his early education in Rajkot. Then he went to England for higher education. He had a great love for his culture. Even in England he did not take wine or meet. He came back to India and began to practice as a lawer. But he left it soon and went to South Africa.
žHis contribution- He was very sad to see the bad conditions of Indians and Negroes in South Africa. He fought for their rights and lived there for about fourteen years. Then he came back to India.
žConclusion- Gandhiji tried to remove untouchability. He called the untouchables as Harijans. He wanted them to be allowed to enter the temple. He worked for Hindu-Muslim Unity. He had great faith in Ahinsa, love and truth.
He was shot dead by a wicked man
on 30th January 1948.



1.Introduction - This is the age of science . Science  has changed every field of life. Impossible things have become possible. Thousands of things in our daily life are the gift of science .
2.Gift of electricity- Electricity is the wonderful gift of science . It is very useful in our daily life. It lights our houses , shops and streets. We prepare food and wash to cloths with its help . It gives us cool air in summer . It keeps us warm in winter . It drives our machines. It removed darkness from the world.
3. Gift of madicines – Science has given wonderful madicines. They give immediate relief to us. Now serious operations are possible. Science has saved us from many diseases . It gives us eyes to see , ears to hear and legs to walk.
3. Gift of madicines – Science has given wonderful madicines. They give immediate relief to us. Now serious operations are possible. Science has saved us from many diseases . It gives us eyes to see , ears to hear and legs to walk.
4. Means of travelling- There are so many means of travelling as bycycle , cycle , car , motor-car , motor-cycle , airbus etc. Therefore now-a-days we can travel very fast.

5.Massage- With the help of wireless we can send and receive massage. Telephone , Telegraph and Teleprinter are also used for purpose.

6.Conclusion- Science has made our life comfortable but it has also put the whole mankind in danger. Atomic bombs , Hydrogen bombs and Neutron bombs can destroy the whole world in few times. It is the duty of great leaders of the world to save mankind from these weapons. 
My Hobby
•A particular choice of a man or person is called “Hobby”. Any interesting work that is done in leisure is called “Hobby” . Hobby means to do any work. Hobby gives up recreation , pleasure and freshness to mind .

•There are a number of hobbies. Some of them
of very useful . Different people have different
 hobbies. There are a few names of hobbies as
 playing , dancing , singing , reading , writing
 , painting , gardening etc.
3.My hobby-
My hobby is gardening. I dig the ground . I
 plant the flower plants as well as vegetables . 
I give water them daily . My parents also like
to sit in my garden. My younger brother and 
sister play in it .
4.Reason of my choice-
There are some reasons of my choice .I have a
open space of a plot near by my house . There
is a well in open plat near my house .
Gardening is a cheap hobby .So , I like it .
5.Advantages of hobbies-
A hobby has many advantages . If a man has a
hobby , he never wastes his time. He remains
busy in it . It keeps him of from bad society
and bad habits .
My hobby gardening gives me fresh vegetables
, sweet fruits and beautiful flowers . I enjoy
the beauty of nature .
My hobby keeps me healthy.
Gardening is a good hobby . It is not only
cheap , but it gives us fresh wind and pleasure
as well. 

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